Revolt Against The Modern World
IN THE MIDDLE AGES OF EUROPE, numerous knightly orders emerged, their esoteric secrets kept only for the initiates. Their adepts were steeped in the prowess of warriors, but had a strict code of honour and piety that governed their conduct. The practice of these virtues was the aim of chivalry, and the goal was nothing less than the transformation of the knight into a type of fighting ascetic seeking the Holy Grail.
THE SOUL OF CHIVALRY is adapted from the book Revolt Against The Modern World by Italian Traditionalist, Julius Evola, with important elements from Evola’s other works including The Mystery of the Grail, The Hermetic Tradition, The Yoga of Power, and Eros and the Mysteries of Love.
Cat Weiss
Writer, Producer, Narrator
The Esoteric Battle for Europe’s Soul
The Middle Ages of Europe saw tremendous competition for power, both in the Catholic Church and the aristocracy.
Competing visions for the future emerged, and knightly orders threatened the religious and governing authorities by virtue of being beyond their understanding and control. The Catholic Church sought to establish her dominion, but was plagued by corrupt leadership. As the Church attempted to establish the primacy of the priestly caste over the warrior nobility, an inversion of hierarchy took root, contrary to the primordial Indo-Aryan tradition.
Against the backdrop of these tumultuous decades of almost constant war, secret orders of knights emerged, advancing their code through initiatory rites and cryptic teachings. These knightly orders contained ancient esoteric wisdom with mysterious origins that pre-dated the Church herself.
Central to the idea was the special place held by woman, as a symbol of the divine feminine, and as an idealistic vision that promised to reveal the transcendent and metaphysical forces of the supernatural to the disciple, and who was emblematic of the power of the Grail.
Writer and Producer Cat Weiss takes the viewer back through the centuries to a fascinating era when warriors faced death as an opportunity for transcendent heroism. Learn about a period considered by Evola to be the final and definitive break with the World of Tradition in the West, with far-reaching consequences for Europe and the modern world.